Roznama Dunia Daily Paper

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Read epaper daily of Dunya news with Dunya news daily paper | Dunya e-paper online Roznama Dunya is a newly published newspaper first published from Lahore, the newspaper is owned by Dunya news which started operation in 2008 while the newspaper itself started publishing in September 2012 under editor chief Mian Aamir Mehmood. Prominent columnists for the Dunya epaper include popular names like Nazir Naji, Haroon Rashid, Oria Maqbool Jan etc The newspaper has offices in Lahore (Punjab) along with Karachi (Sindh) and the capital Islamabad to be included. The daily circulation is expected to rise as Dunya has earned its respect in the field of journalism and daily news. According to Editor-in-Chief Mian Amir Mehmood the motto and aim of Roznama Dynya will be highlight the problems of the masses. It will be known for its impartial and unbiased reporting and analyses. 
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